Some stories around the most famous violins
Today I bring to my personal a very rare topic: Violins. Rare only because I don't usually post articles about violins, most of my articles talks about piano or composition. However, I would like to thank Irene Bejar her hard work at WKMT as violin teacher in London with WKMT and her last great article published at the Blog for all our violin students in London.
In this case, the article presents some interesting stories, some of them not that good, about famous violins. What makes us think about the importance and attachment of any musical instrument to its owner. Our instruments will accompany us during our lifetime, or at least, as long as they last in fair condition.
In the article, she talks about the famous Stradivarius violins, however, I believe, our instruments, in case they could speak, would count many different stories, moments and experiences they have been witnesses of.
Let's read it fully through the link below mentioned and do not hesitate to let us know your stories or experiences with your own violin or cello.